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Innovation districts as growth beacons

This blog links into a new report I've co-written on the role of urban innovation districts. As the nations, regions, and cities of the UK grapple with the need to raise productivity, this report argues that Innovation Districts will play an increasingly key role in facilitating economic growth. It shows how districts can share their benefits broadly and how governments can support them.

Drawing on a formal review of the global academic evidence alongside conversations with successful districts from across the UK and internationally, we set out the case for Innovation Districts as growth beacons – hubs of entrepreneurship, research and ingenuity which can drive forward economic development.

We consider what makes them work in facilitating innovation – the important roles played by anchor institutions, capital, their physical shape and sense of place, the key relationships and a long-term approach.

We also show how they can be successful socially – demonstrating the ways in which their benefits can be shared equitably with their local populations. Collating best practice from across the UK and globally, we set out options for districts including elements like local SME support, talent development and event programming.

The report also addresses what national and local governments can do to help districts succeed in their mission of driving inclusive innovation. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success, we provide some relatively low-cost and easy-to-implement policy steers that governments can act on now to help districts fulfil their potential.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success, our report provides some relatively low-cost and easy-to-implement policy steers (below) that local and national governments can act on now to help districts fulfil their potential.

These suggestions are based on our research on best practice from across the UK and globally. Further background detail from our research, can be found in our report and in the EPPI’s centre’s rapid review of evidence.

The report has been published by the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) with the involvement of the UK Innovation Districts Group (UK IDG), It can be accessed here:

1 Kommentar

04. Nov. 2024

Le pyjama court pour homme que j'ai acheté est très confortable. Les matériaux sont respirants et agréables.

Une large gamme de slips homme avec des designs modernes et des tissus agréables au toucher.

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